Say What?
I wanted to express my pride and joy on your fine publication. Makes me proud to be a Canadian.
Motorcycle Mojo is, in my opinion, one of the finest glossy bike mags on the planet. It’s right up there with the best from the US, UK and Europe.
Seriously. Some folks I’ve talked to feel it is an even better publication due to the enormous variety of articles. It seems to me that there is something for every rider in every issue.
Your most recent article on the Triumph Bonneville (June 09 Vol. 8 Issue 4) was outstanding, and further proof of where your personal expertise and multi–talented staff are taking you.
A “ton up” of information, and a rider’s perspective to boot!
Kudos to NELSON and RILES as well. The photos left me both drooling and wanting. Again. Keep it coming!
Chris Ness, via email
Hi Glenn and Gwen,
We finally got to see and read your article on the High Seas Rally. It brought back a lot of wonderful memories, and got us exited about the 2009 cruise. Even though it is still a way off till November, we are counting down the days for the fun to begin. Miss you guys and all of the other great friends that we met and hope to see you all again in 2009.
Regards Arty and Sherry. Via email
Damn you, Glenn! I just finished reading the June article about the new Bonneville. Because of you, I’m thinking about getting rid of my current ride (an ‘07 Suzuki SV650S) so I can get me one of them new old school Triumphs. Too bad I haven’t got room for more than one bike.
Derek, via email
Hey Mojo!
I am new to the sport–starting my third season on a 1985 Suzuki Madura 700 and loving every second of it. Your mag is the lube of my motorcycle love life.
I was thankful for the May safety issue. Every article made me realize the unsafe habits I’d picked up since taking the Humber rider’s course back in Oct ‘06. Couldn’t therefore, help but notice in your June issue on pg. 33 & 39, Glenn is driving with 2 fingers on the brake. This was demonstrated at the safety course as an easy way to lose control if hitting a bump. This same unsafe technique is also pictured on pg 56 under heavy braking! Perhaps some further checking of the pics that make it to print is in order not to perpetuate unsafe riding practises.
Dave Libbey, via email
Hey Dave: I could go into the reasons why I have two fingers on the brake lever in the mentioned pages but space doesn’t permit.
Personally, I prefer to ‘cover’ my brake lever in dangerous situations like in towns because of intersections, driveways and kids playing, or in the country if there is a chance of wildlife, like a deer, running out of the bush. The simple fact is that you can get to your brake lever faster in an emergency situation. You can be squeezing the lever as you are letting off the throttle.
Let’s assume it takes one second to get your gloved fingers off of the handgrip and on the front brake lever. By the time that happens, you have travelled valuable distance in an emergency situation.
To determine distance travelled in one second, multiply km/h by .277, so 50 km/h x .277=13.85 metres; the distance you have travelled in one second at that speed. That’s about 2-3 car lengths.
Now lets consider 80 km/h.
80 x .277=22.16 metres. That’s 4-5 car lengths. Pretty significant numbers that could mean the difference between becoming a hood ornament or stopping in time to yell your choice of words at the offending cage driver that just turned left in front of you.
Hi Gwen, finally got down to normal after the Mexico (Hogs on the High Seas) cruise. It was great to meet you onboard and to learn that you guys are still supporting the HOGS cruises. Hope to see more articles in upcoming issues and of course it would be great to see more Canadians attending. Just to let you know the temperature here in the north is still not riding weather, can’t get to the bikes because of the snow (Whitehorse, YT on April 27). Hopefully by end of next week.
Take care and hope to maybe see you on one of the November cruises (next year’s is a big one).
Tony & Karen Sunderland, via email
Just picked up your magazine on a whim, took it home and started to flip through it. Stopped at “Goodbye Eldorado”. The picture looked familiar, and as the article began “Elmer…” I knew why. I live in the same town and know of Elmer’s story. One of his friends for that ride was a friend of my family, Chris, and acquaintance, Grant who both had Eldorados. My brother was a friend of Elmer who was his High School teacher. We all had motorcycles, and I still do, having gone through BSAs, Triumphs and Harleys. I guess at the time, Elmer would have classed me as the “bar-fighting, drug dealing pimp” type. Way too funny. My 1970 BSA Thunderbolt and 1962 Sportster were well-known around here then. I still ride every day, even though it is more dangerous than ever with the volume of traffic. I thank you and especially Elmer for his story. Guess I’ll need him to autograph my copy!
Darryl Jones, via email
Glenn, I read with interest the article on Honda’s new ABS in the latest edition of MMM—another step in the safety evolution of motorcycles. I would like to add my comments to the variety of remarks on both sides of the discussion that you will likely receive.
I rode my first motorcycle in 1964. Over the years I had developed a view that with practice and experience, a good biker can handle the balance of braking required to stop a bike. Motorcycle ABS might be interesting for others, but it was not for me.
In 2003, I bought a new Yamaha FJR 1300. After some debate with a friend and long-time motorcycle safety instructor Dave, I decided on the standard non-ABS model. Dave, who already owned an FJR with ABS, impressed upon me that in his view ABS would save my life. I had another view.
A year later Alan and I were coming back west across Canada on the return leg of one of our big adventures. I was solo on a rural two-lane in Quebec headed from Montreal to join Al at our younger brother’s farm near Ottawa. A senior in a big white Buick made a lazy left turn in front of me into a farmyard driveway.
Every biker knows that 100km/h is not too fast—that is, until you need those last two inches to avoid a collision. With another car locking brakes behind me and screaming into my mirrors, it took every ounce of control I had to keep the back tire from coming around as I danced past the rear bumper of the Buick and barely missed the on-coming pick-up in the other lane. Another Maalox moment I would like to forget. Later that same trip I had to replace the rear tire in Minot, North Dakota as the skid patch wore down to the inner lining. Dave’s comments came back to me as I waited for the new tire.
Last year I bought a new HD Electra Glide—with ABS. This March Al and I were in Texas headed down a four-lane toward New Mexico. The road had recently been resurfaced— brand-new blacktop, but the wind had blown a light skiff of fine sand across the roadway making it slippery. In an instant, a lady pulled out of a parking lot to our right, blocking our path. I hauled up on both brakes and hung on, as demonstrated in the HD ABS training video. With a great deal of shuddering, the brakes did their thing. I stopped immediately and fully upright— completely under control. I could feel the sand like ball bearings under my boots as I put them down. Dave’s comments came back to me again.
I would say to anyone who might be interested, that I am convinced Dave is right—motorcycle ABS saves lives. With everything that a biker has to think and do in that millisecond when disaster strikes, not having to worry about balancing two brake pressures is one less thing to take your focus away from getting the rest done.
I also think that if Honda can improve on the design, more power to them. Now, I am not as convinced about their air-bag thing.
Michael Poplett, via email
Dear Editor:
My husband and I have enjoyed your magazine pretty much since day one. Thanks for all the great stories, information and tips.
Recently we’ve added a new member to our family, her name is Sukie and she’s a Canadian Bulldog. Weighing in at 40 pounds she requires a means of transportation when we head out on the road. My husband doesn’t have any issues having her on his Road King, but there is nothing out there for her to sit in. We were hoping there might be someone out there in your readership that would have, made or suggest something we could create for the rack of the Road King. Sukie deserves to join the fun on 2 wheels.
Thanks loads, and keep your knees to the breeze.
Ron, Linda and Sukie Broad, via email
It never ceases to amaze me how Triumph uses its supposed heritage to sell its bikes. The old Triumph is gone and the dealer doesn’t even sell parts for those bikes. The new Triumph started in the early 90s. There is really no such thing as a 50th or 100th anniversary. It is just a sales ploy and it is tiring.
Barry L Dreger, via email

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