Say What?
About the new look of Motorcycle Mojo!
Loyal reader and subscriber. Just wanted to let you know that I think the new format is FANTASTIC! Congratulations on a job well done. Jeff Weinstein
I live in Atlanta, GA and found an article in our Costco magazine about your publication. We got a subscription immediately and love the magazine! I like the new size magazine but my boyfriend likes the smaller version. Go figure! I really enjoyed Stu Seaton’s article on the BMW GS’s. My boyfriend and I enjoy endurance riding two-up on our 2003 H-D Ultra Classic. We just finished an Iron Butt Ultimate Coast to Coast from Deadhorse, AK to Key West, FL on this bike. We are looking at purchasing a GS next. Stu didn’t say anything about riding two-up in his article. I would love to get his opinion on how this bike rides for two-up in both performance and comfort. The information that we have found thus far has been positive except for the stock seat. Changing that out would not be a problem. So, any information that Stu can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you Sandra Petrakis
I was blown away when the magazine arrived today. I remembered Glenn talking about it, but it sure surprised me.
Congratulations; although Glenn said in his editorial that there were mixed feelings about the change. But with Roger G on the front (I owned a Norton back when, and he’s my favourite bike builder) it was a great start to the new format.
All the best, Tim Stover, CAE
Manager, Shows and Member Services, Motorcycle and Moped Industry Council
Was that really July 1st weekend that I saw you? Wow, if time goes any faster I know I am going to get “lapped” very soon. Received the “new Mojo look” – looks great, one exception, how is it that Roger rates front cover and not me? After reading the article “Real Women Real Bikes” I am convinced Eastern folks have a different interpretation of “LONGEST RIDE”. Must be, because I know folks out here who think riding from BC to the east coast is considered a good ride! Sure was great having a chance to visit with you in Olds. That was one crazy week. I haven’t worked those hours in many a year but it was all good. Wishing you folks all the very best, good riding too. Take care my friend. Maureen Sawatzky
Editor’s note: I had the pleasure of riding with Maureen for four days in the summer of 2006, from Central Ontario to Sydney, NS during Rocky’s Ride. Maureen is one of the coolest Grandmothers who I have ever met. She rode from Chiliwack, BC to Sydney, NS with friends and back to BC by herself. Now that’s a ride!
I received the latest issue of Motorcycle Mojo a week or so back, but the Runway Romp has had my attention all week, now that is over I want to congratulate you on the new look of Motorcycle Mojo, it looks great! I am very impressed how you and your crew have developed the magazine and expanded the topics covered. I feel it has become a significant player in the Canadian motorcycle information and advertising world. In my work with the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada, I recognize the need for more exposure of what MCC does, perhaps we can talk sometime soon about ways to achieve that. Best Regards, Peter Sheppard, MCC Board Chair
I must say I do like the size of the new issue. Paper is great and the pics are crisp and clear. I really liked the article by Liz Bokfi. My wife got her Class 6 this spring and has taken to riding like a duck to water. She rides a 98 Shadow Spirit and has done a 3000 km run into BC and a 1700 km run into Montana. She also rides to work on nice days. It is nice that the women are getting some recognition regarding their riding and how they enjoy the sport. Keep up the great work. Gord
P.S.: If I can’t find my copy of Mojo all I have to do is ask my wife cause she will be reading it.
As a long time subscriber of Motorcycle Mojo, I always favoured the small digest size of the mag. It fit perfect into my lunch box. As a person who worked in the newspaper & magazine business, I can relate to the fact that you have “outgrown” maximum pages a digest allows. It’s great to see that you are thriving in a way that you had to increase the size of the mag. I can definitely live with the changes in order to receive more great articles in each issue. Since you have the ability to use full colour on every page, use it to your advantage. I’m sure you will have some growing pains with the first few issues as far as layout and format. Get those graphic designers doing what they know best. Just thought I would give you my 2 cents. Carol Hopper
Editor’s note: Thanks for your ‘two cents’ Carol. Growing pains are part of any expansion but you can rest assured we will be continuing to improve the look of the magazine over the next couple issues.
I have been a subscriber to your magazine for a few years and in the past to other mags, but I have to say that without Question, your new format is definitely # 1, the best I have seen. I will be seventy this year and have been riding since 1970 presently a Road King Classic (2003). I enjoy touring and really look forward to these articles. Looking forward to the next issue.Terry Masse, Ingersoll, ON
The new FULL SIZE mag looks great. Can’t wait to see what you do with the Customs Only Edition. Very cool, Mojo is here to stay! Cheers, Brent, Cycle Boyz Customs
Editor’s note: The Custom Edition Brent is referring to is a Special Edition we are doing to highlight the talents of Canadian builders and our custom motorcycle industry. We have a talented bunch of builders in this country that need recognition.
Look for it in January.
About Michelle Duff
Thank-you!, thank-you!, thank-you! I was overjoyed when I opened my Sept/Oct issue and saw an article from Michelle Duff. As a child of the ‘60’s, and track rat of the ‘70’s &’80’s, seeing Duff in print again was like bumping into an old friend at the bike shop. Duff’s track time and lengthy mileage around the TT in England cannot be matched and to see her words in print again was fantastic. Team Yamaha entrusted her with high dollar, museum calibre motorcycles, I would love to see her entrusted with a monty contribution to Mojo. The tricked-out Notorious tickled my nostalgic side as well. Thanks for a great read and keep it up.
Sincerely, Dave Crawford, 2nd officer, Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers (CMC) Chapter 007 Hamilton.
Editor’s note: You’ll be happy to know that Michelle has an account of her recent travels to some of the legendary European MotoGP tracks in this issue.
About Alberta Bound
Just got the new issue of Motorcycle Mojo – I like the new format! Does the inside of the Last Chance Saloon still look the same?
Regards, Nathan Naslund
General Manager,
Corporate Communications Group,
Suzuki Canada Inc.
Editor’s note: it looks exactly like the photos you sent. Not much changes in Wayne, AB except the population.
I finally opened your new larger edition of Motorcycle Mojo over Sunday morning coffee. It is fabulous. The look and content are great, and I really enjoyed Glenn’s diary of his trip to Alberta and back. Your reference to Max Burns reminds me of another Canadian writer (whose name eludes me) who I met in the early 80’s in Toronto. He had written a book on the back roads of southern Manitoba and shared part of the manuscript with me.
Congratulations. Eric
After realizing it was the increased weight of your mag that was causing my mailbox to list, I wondered, “Wonder why they would do that?” I read the explanation in your editorial, but didn’t buy it. Then after reading more of the mag, I realized the truth: They needed the extra space in order to give a plug to two (count ‘em, two) books of mine. Thanks in a big way, much appreciated. Also pleased that you’re making proper use of Favourite Roads. Did you check out the backside of the “Welcome to Climax” sign? I think that, despite surveys suggesting your readers liked the old digest format, they’re going to like this new one even better. It’s all growed up, eh?
Thanks again. Catch you later. Max Burns
Editor’s note: I hope we didn’t damage your mailbox Max. For those who have never been to Climax, SK, the signs are below – I couldn’t leave town without getting the photos described by Max in his book.
I took my usual walk to the Canada Post super boxes on my street today. After unlocking my box, reaching in and retrieving the contents, I exclaimed, “Oh no, Mojo’s gone the way of the mainstream magazines!” Well, I’ve read it cover to cover and I have to say that it’s better than ever. The articles are good and the pictures better. When I got to the part about your anniversary, I realized that mine is tomorrow. Thanks Glenn! I could have been a homeless person after tomorrow if it hadn’t been for you. It’s amazing what value you can glean from Mojo. Ciao Don Norris
Editor’s note: Glad we could help to keep you out of the dog house, Don
About Jody Mitic
By all means renew my subscription. Reluctantly I got a one year subscription at the International Center Dec. 06 and it has become our #1 read ever since. Sign me up for three years! Thanks for the decal; it looks great on the tool box. We have been following the incredible story of Jody Mitic and all the support he is getting from the motorcycle community. We were shocked to read in the Sun that his new custom bike {and his girlfriend’s bike} was being evicted. I can sympathize because we recently had to move due to a bike unfriendly landlord. Bought a house, worked out for best. Jody: Please remember, every kick in the ass is just another boost forward.
Brian and Taira, Norvar, ON

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Motorcycle Mojo Magazine is an award winning publication that provides premium content guaranteed to be of interest to every motorcycle enthusiast. Whether you prefer cruisers or adventure-touring, vintage or the latest models; riding round the world or just to work, Motorcycle Mojo covers every aspect of the motorcycle experience. Each issue of Motorcycle Mojo contains tests of new models, feature travel stories, compelling human interest articles, technical exposés, product reviews, as well as unique perspectives by regular columnists on safety or just everyday situations that may be stressful at the time but turn into fabulous campfire stories.
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