Say What?
Hello Gwen and Glenn,
After just having talked about Vladimir a few times in the last weeks, this email arrived on the weekend. It’s good to know he still appears to be doing well and shouldn’t have any troubles surviving in the EU.
We thought you would like to know as well.
Marlies and Alan
Hello from the Netherlands:
My name is Dan Luesink and my wife and I are Canadians from Saskatchewan working and living in the Netherlands. Just last week we were spending a few days in Vienna, Austria, and I came across a very interesting fellow by the name of Vladimir Yarets. He was parked with his loaded-up BMW motorcycle downtown in the main city square with a colourful display of flags and some signage. I was amazed by his story and happily gave him a few Euros to help with his gas money. I’m a motorcyclist myself and have done some long-distance riding throughout North America and now some of Europe and I can appreciate life on the road.
When I told him I was from Canada, he reached in his pocket and pulled a stack of well-worn business cards and pieces of paper with names and numbers on them; obviously people he’s met while on the road. He quickly shuffled through them and pulled one out with your names on it: Alan and Marlies Sands in the Toronto area. He was able to communicate to me that he wished me to contact you and let you know that he was in Vienna. My impression was that you had shown him some kindness and that he was ever grateful and remembered you these years later.
I hope that you receive this email, since I believe he holds you in high esteem. I am glad that other Canadians have contributed to his ultimate goal and I also want to thank you for whatever it is that you did. I’m proud that Canada is a country he remembers fondly.
Dan Luesink
Brunssum, The Netherlands
Just wanted to thank Mojo for the incredible trip I just completed. After a 20 year gap in riding, I return to the open road last year. I started reading up on bikes and got a copy of your mag.
I just took the Algoma run which I read about in your mag with a couple of friends. The excitement of the ride was so great that we started planning the reverse track before we had finished this ride. The ride on 17 from Sault Ste. Marie to Wawa, 101 to Chapleau then 129 to Thessalon was like no trip I have ever been on.
Thank you for the help on this amazing ride. It makes the trip easier with a little advice. Great work.
Jay Gardhouse
Hi Folks. I just wanted to say I am a new subscriber, and I love Mojo! I like the travel articles the best. They give me an idea of where I want to ride in our country, and what I need to do to prepare. Great articles, and test rides too. It’s great to have a real Canadian perspective. I just bought a Mojo shirt too! Keep it up! Mojo Rocks!
Chris Sykes
St. Thomas, ON
With regards to two fingers on the brake.
I for one would like to thank you for being normal and honest, instead of perfect and cosmetically correct.
Your human approach in publishing your articles is winning you far more readership than trying to portray yourself as perfect and infallible.
Keep up the fine work.
Rick Harding
You should do a painter section in your magazine to showcase the step-by-step in a custom paint job from start to finish.
Thats something I’d definitely like to see. You guys have a great layout and are very informative. I like the not over the top layout. You’ve kept it simple and easy to read. It’s not abrasive and is appealing to all motorcyclists alike. Something that I needn’t hide from my children.
Best Regards,
Jason Tegart
Tegart Designs Custom
Airbrushing Studio
In your September/October 2007 issue you had published an article about the Harley-Davidson XL 1200N Nightster (by Glenn Roberts). In this article you show a picture of a guy wearing a black leather jacket with stripes riding the Nightster. Now here’s my question: can you help me to find out where I can buy this leather jacket? I have been searching for this particular model without any success.
I would appreciate your help on that! Thanks all the way from Germany.
Jean Mies
Hi Jean,
The jacket I was wearing was a Jack Daniel’s leather jacket. You may be able to find it at
I was reading the article by Justin Woods on his trek around Northern Ontario… I’m heading out in August to cruise the Lake Superior coast and was wondering since he mentioned that accommodations are relatively inexpensive and welcoming; if he had any recommendations of places to stay?
Thanks in advance if you are able to pass on this request for info.
Jay Adams
Subject: X-climber
One look at X-climber told me one thing… I sure as hell wouldn’t want to ride the bike very far!
However, it is pretty cool looking and it does look like it would be a lot of fun to ride. (just don’t slide off the seat!)
Ron “Duke” Westling, Lethbridge, AB.
I really enjoyed Paddy Tyson’s article “The Flight of Pegasus”, in your August/September issue. I had the pleasure of hosting Paddy during Atlanticade 2008, here in Moncton, NB, and can tell you and your readers that Paddy has all the qualities of a true motorcycle adventurer; he’s friendly, smart, resourceful and a skilled rider. It was a lot of fun to hear the details of his epic trip, and I hope you will continue to commission more articles. As Motorcycle Mojo readers have already discovered, he’s a great writer and a pretty funny guy. Plus, it’s always good to hear a fresh perspective of our country from a foreign rider.
Keep up the good work, and I invite riders from across Canada to come visit New Brunswick during Atlanticade next year.
Ian Bonnell, Riverview, NB
To: Motorgirl
I just want to say thank you Leslie for giving Swan Charities a shout out in the July issue of Motorcycle Mojo! It was our first time putting on an organized ride, and we can’t thank you enough for coming down and supporting us!
Dear Motorcycle Mojo team,
Just finished reading your article in the current Mojo magazine. My wife and I were introduced to the Motorcycle camaraderie when we rented Scooters in Vancouver, BC, and were riding through Stanley Park. We have since bought a cruiser, and frequently are approached by fellow bikers, some of which are not in motorcycle attire, but we can tell they share the passion, once we start chatting. Thanks for your article! Keep your sunnyside up!
Paul Hoogen
Received our Mojo t-shirts a few days ago. They really look great. Brad and I will enjoy wearing them to the “Dragon” Labor Day weekend. Tell Roger and Glenn we wish they were going with us. Thanks for a great mag. and keep up the good work.
Ride safe.
Later, RCS
Signs that make you go huh?

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