Say What?
Hi Glenn,
Great talking to you at the Vancouver Motorcycle Show. The motorcycle of the show for me was the “Warbird”. Great ingenuity, superb execution and beautiful classic lines.
I have just read part two of the Alaska trip and thoroughly enjoyed it, especially as it sparked good memories of a unique part of Canada. Having lived in Fort Nelson for 3 years I have travelled the highway top to bottom many times over. You are absolutely right in your statement that there are many gems to be discovered if you venture off the Highway as well, and you don’t have to travel too far to find them.
One you may have missed was the Heritage Museum in Fort Nelson itself, address, Mile 300 of the Alaska Highway. The old timers still like to refer to places in miles although in actual fact with improvements to the road since 1942 the actual distance would now be mile 285; straightened things out and bypassed “Suicide Hill”. The Museum was started by Marl Brown over 30 years ago and as it’s Curator has collected a lot of articles relevant to the highway. He also has a car collection counting well over 60 that all run and are used on July 1st parades. The earliest being a 1908 McLaughlin Buick that he drove to Whitehorse and back last summer to celebrate its 100 birthday. He is 76 and once met is never forgotten. The Museum is well worth a visit for all the Heritage and machinery there alone. It is also worth mentioning that there is a DVD available entitled “The Trail of ‘42”. It documents the building of the Highway using actual footage from the day. Amazing what man can do in 9 months. They also planted 95,000 telegraph poles by hand too.
Muncho Lake that you drive by without any barriers, is reported to be 400 ft deep at the edge. Many trucks and vehicles have met their fate there including a complete Bowling Alley setup heading North. The military also deposited much of the equipment used to build the Highway in there too, as well as parking machinery in the bush. The Museum has one of the Original D4 Cat Crawlers still running. Just little snippets that your readers may be interested in along with using the “MilePost” to plan your trip with. Again great magazine enjoyed every month.
Graham Baker,
Clophill, England / White Rock BC.
Roger, call it brotherly love or call it loyalty, but because of you I have purchased my first ever V-twin related magazine. I do expect to own a V-twin someday, however it will most likely be in the 90° form and have a scent of pasta about it.
Good read dude. You didn’t mention to me the part about running out of gas. Ha! A good memory was made I’m sure. I have to say, I have thoroughly enjoyed the entire magazine. I was especially keen on the article about the ‘39 Triumph T-100. My Dad has a ‘50 T-100 sitting in his basement as we speak. Neat bikes. I hope I get to restore it some day.
Cheers, Ian
I was wondering if you could put me in contact with Colin CD White who did an article in the March/April 2009 edition of your magazine. The article was called “The Long and Not So Winding Road”. In the article Colin mentions repairing broken engine fins. I have a similar problem and would like to inquire as to the details of how the engine fins were repaired.
Clayton Roberts
Hi Clayton,
I have forwarded your questions about the repairs to Colin.
Take Care, Glenn
Stu Seaton:
I just read your second installment of the ride to Inuvik and am anxiously waiting for the next. My wife and I happened to drive the length of the Cassier highway in the first week of September last year (on four wheels instead of two but that is another story) and there was no construction making it a very nice trip (no rain, sunshine, temp about 17°C). There are two small sections at the Northern end which are due to be paved in 2009 and then the entire length will be paved. We are from Burlington Ontario and need to repeat the trip (2009) on the bikes.
Bill Morrissey
Enjoyed seeing you riding the Fury in the Star today, Glenn! Hope it was a good ride for you. (How can Daytona in February be wrong, right?) How did you enjoy it?
Saw my first bikes out in Barrie today… the true sign of spring, never mind the robins. lol
Take care, Rider Rick
Hi folks. I really enjoy reading your publication from cover to cover. Lots of great stories and valuable info. At the big Toronto show in January, I signed up for a subscription (2 or 3 year, can’t remember). After I finished filling in the form and chatting, I was handed a $5 mojo dough card as I was leaving. At the time I figured there might be some Motorcycle Mojo t-shirts, ball caps, coffee mugs or other merchandise available from the website or something. After the show, I looked at the card and I’ve tried to figure out exactly how I would use this for an online purchase. What exactly am I supposed to do with this card? What merchandise is available aside from back issues?
Thanks, Derek
Hi Derek
We are in the process of opening up our on-line store to more merchandise. At this time however you can use the Mojo Dough you mention toward a shirt or subscription for a friend or a renewal for yourself. However if you check in a few weeks, David, our web technician, will have more items listed on the store and instructions on how this actually works.
Thank you for subscribing.
My name is Mike, I am a new subscriber and throughly enjoy your magazine. When I was 16 I lost my leg to cancer. I am now 37 and it has always been a dream of mine to ride motorcycles. Last summer I came one step closer to realizing that dream, I purchased a 2006 VTX 1300C that I am hoping to trike. My one frustration is the cost of triking the bike. I paid $9000 for the bike and it is costing me another $16,000 just to trike it. Do you know of any government grants or other funding that may be available to help offset this cost for disabled individuals?
Thanking you in advance.
I am unsure if there is anything available so if any of our readers can offer any insight please respond to [email protected] and we will forward your emails to Mike.
Thanks Gwen
Hello Stu, I don’t know if you will remember us (Pine River Hog Chapter, Chetwynd, B.C.), we met you and John at the Air Force Motel in Watson Lake this past summer. While we were discussing the merits of motorcycle travel and all the wonderful people that we have met, I mentioned that one of our riders had taken a video of our trip up to Whitehorse. You said you would be interested to know how he was able to manage it so I’m sending you a copy of the CD (via snail mail) for your enjoyment and feel free to use anything included if you desire. Also be sure to let the “powers that be” know how important it is for you to get out on the road and meet people, just that one stop acquired you four new readers! I have been a subscriber for a number of years now and I really enjoy the magazine, especially the new format (excellent quality photos and easy to read print). Anyway, it was a highlight of the trip to meet you both and I hope to cross paths with you again sometime in the near future.
Sunny skies and curvy roads;
Roy Comeau, Chetwynd, B.C.
Hi guys I have happily sent in my subscription form for another year, because it is one of the few places where ones’ money is well spent, getting so much quality value for a small price.
My wife and I have just returned from Quebec Eastern Township to Brampton Ontario and we must have seen at least a dozen bikes heading east. While in Quebec I met with my brother inlaw who also rides, and he informed me that a couple of weekends ago the temperature rose in to the low double digits. Not only did the good weather bring out a few riders it also brought out the police who gave tickets to the guys for not having winter tires on their bikes. Yeah, you read correctly. Seems that no vehicle is allowed on the road with summer tires before the 16th of March. This may be a heads up to us here in Ontario. Again thanks for a great magazine.
Shawn Gallant
Glenn, Gwen,
Just home from the daily grind and thinking about the three sleeps before Al and I will be off to find some secondaries in Texas–without Glenn unfortunately. Then I realized that my edition of MMM is in the mailbox. I flipped first to Crossroads to see what Glenn is up to and saw the commentary about winning this year’s Canadian motorcycle industry Oscar.
Glenn, you were most kind to thank your readers and advertisers, but as a long-time subscriber I can tell you that your whole crew make us interested in your magazine, you put together a great read. The content is well done, Canadian and is on the mark as far as most of your readers’ interests are concerned. That attracts more readers and advertisers, as I am sure you know better than me.
So, it comes as no surprise to me that you have captured the MAX award for the third time. I think that most of us readers would say ‘congratulations and keep up the good work’. We are behind you.
Michael Poplett, St. Albert, AB

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