Say What?
Hi, I have a question to ask you and your subscribers. I’m going from Moncton, New Brunswick to Vancouver, BC next summer.
Any tips – email me at [email protected]
Thanks RJ
Hey Leslie,
Just finished reading your account of riding the Mendocino Hwy. I just finished the annual Three Flags Classic Rally, and if that highway sign you saw made you grin, I’d like to e-mail you a pic of a sign I spotted just west of Red Bluff, Ca. on Hwy 36. I went about a mile past the sign and just HAD TO TURN AROUND and get a pic. I was smiling so hard, thought I was gonna stretch my helmet.
The article you wrote in the most recent Motorcycle Mojo about Emily turning 16 is one of the most wonderful GIFTS a father could ever give a daughter. I tear up just thinking about it. You spoke to the whole country about her skill, good judgment and your pride in her. Whoa-that is amazing. Sixteen is a very potent time in any person’s life, but it is a time when I know many of us were very, very unsure about our value in the world. We may have loved the world, we may have been courageous about facing it, but I think many of us were filled with tons of personal doubts.
Amazing Glenn, just amazing.
Marion Thompson
I sit here at my computer in my Motorcycle Mojo tee shirt (the long-sleeved version because winter is already arriving in Edmonton), with the latest edition of the magazine on my desk, having just finishing the second installment of your article on our big adventure to Alaska. Wow… what huge memories.
I wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for the great way that you portrayed the trip. I enjoyed the layout of both articles, the sidebars and picture choices – all of it. I really appreciate the way that you gave the story life and interest. It was great to share it with you. I look forward to our next opportunity to ride together and remind you that you are always welcome on any of our trips.
All the best Glenn. Ride with care.
Mike Popplet
Hi, just bought and thoroughly enjoyed the Sept/Oct issue and decided on a two-year subscription. My better half and I rode our bikes up the Alaska Highway in August right to Fairbanks. Detoured north at Whitehorse to Dawson City, did the Top of the World to Tok, on to Fairbanks, through stunning Denali, over to Valdez and back home. We were lucky weather wise, only two days of rain, most days were warm and sunny. The road construction caused a few moments of apprehension but all in all it was a fantastic trip. Mama has an ’05 Wee Strom, it has been completely trouble free and we totally agree with your conclusions about it. We are hooked on the North Country and cannot wait to return. Looking forward to future issues.
Gary Turner, Edmonton.
To Misti Hurst,
Loved your article “One thing at a time”. I just bought a 1942 HD 45 solo. It has left foot clutch, left hand tank shift, left hand front brake, right foot rear brake and right hand gas. Quite a handful to learn. I had been out playing with it and driving myself crazy…never stalled a vehicle so many times in my life and it’s kick start on top of all that. I came back home and to relax myself, picked up Motorcycle Mojo and there was your article with the answer to all my problems. I went back out the next day and worked on one thing at a time, now it is all coming natural.
Dave Croydon
I just picked up your latest issue. I didn’t know the existence of your magazine. The front page was what attracted me. The Varadero and, of course, the road trip to Alaska. I went up there in mid-August. Because of back problem, I left my V-Strom 1000 back home. In 2003, I swore to never again cross the country as I did with a SV650S.
I’m very happy to discover another Canadian moto related mag. Keep up the very good work.
Eric Mathieu, Québec
Just a quick note to Stu re: Omens.
You never know who your words will reach. I definitely had a knot in my throat reading the article. I am currently planning a 10,000 km (17 State) trip through the U.S. next June/July with my father and with any luck I’ll convince my son and make it an adventure for three generations. Thank you
John Austen
I recently read an article by Glenn from 2006 on Titan Motorcycles. I would like to know how tall Glenn is. My reason for asking is I’m 5’7 and was wondering about the forward controls. I presently own a 1200 Sportster with forward controls and have no problems. I would like to purchase a Titan Sidewinder. Thank You.
Jim Waggoner
Hi G and G….
Your mag is cutting edge.
Well, I’ve only read two articles from this issue so far (Vol. 7 Issue 6 Nov. Dec. 2008) and both feature “cross-over/hybrid” themes.
Firstly, the Rolf and Debra Kraiker extravaganza canoe/motorcycle tour! What a concept! Two bikes and two canoes touring North America.
Next, a motorcycle cop escorts one of the hottest vocal entertainers on the planet… Billy Joel. Neat.
I’m ready to buy a motorcycle trailer, convert it to carry my windsurfing gear, hitch it to my vintage Goldwing (1984 Interstate will soon turn 25!) and head for the top sailboarding spots on this continent.
Of course it will be written up for y’all!
Keep up the GREAT work!
Chris Ness
P.S. Janet took that awesome Clinton Smout course and has learned to ride a TTR125, so I’m gonna’ find a good used one for her. We’ll be able to do some trails together, as I still have an old trusty Yamaha XT 500.
Great travelogue of Stu and John’s trip to the north. Loved reading about the ups and downs (mostly joys) of long-distance travel on two beautiful bikes. Tell them not to be discouraged that they didn’’t make their ultimate destination. They’ve still made it further up the Dempster than most of us ever will! Great pics too.
Love the mag.
Rider Rick
And another one from Rider Rick
Enjoying your article about the Edmonton-to-Alaska trip and the
V-Strom review too. A friend of mine rides a ‘Strom’ and swears by it. It’s his fifth bike in total and the one he loves the most of them all (including a Bandit that he said was just plain scary).
Have just subscribed, looking forward to future issues.
Rider Rick
P.S. Pic attached of a small group ride in Simcoe-Grey yesterday. Beautiful roads, especially on Grey Rd. 2 and 13 going up through Eugenia. Yes, I’m wearing an FXR jacket from Royal. It’s been great in warm and cold both.
Hi Glenn,
Just wanted to say I picked up a copy of your magazine for the first time and really enjoyed it. Its nice to see a Canadian perspective added to the motorcycling world. I read your Crossroads editorial and seems you had busy summer, myself as well. This year I bought my first cruiser a 2008 Kawi 1600 Nomad, after riding sport bikes for four years I wanted to ride in comfort, lol, and go on a long trip. So that’s what I did. My wife and I left July 23 and headed for San Diego, but first we drove through the rocky mountains to Chilliwack, BC to meet up with our riding partner. We left Chilliwack and rode down the Pacific Coast Highway to San Diego and a little further as we went to the border with Mexico. It was KOA’s and tents, no hotels on the way down. The PCH is amazing to ride from 71 miles of curves and cliffs outs of Carmel to the scenic beauty of Oregon. All in all I was gone for three weeks of which 11 days were riding, 8000 km. During those 11 days, I rode through an earthquake in LA (5.4 on the Richter), rainstorms in the Rockies, 45 to 47C heat that makes up the interior of California, and 70 to 80 km/h wind gusts in Waterton Park, and the slippery washouts of Hells Canyon. The last day of my trip I got call from my Vet that my dog had passed away, he was Great Dane and had a heart attack. Riding the last four hours that day was hell. All that being said, I would do that trip again in a heartbeat. Seeing the entire western seaboard from the saddle of motorcycle is probably one of the best feelings in the world, from the smell of the sea to the mom and pop restaurants that gorge you with food (The Pig and Pancake in seaside Oregon). I don’t know where next summer will take me, but I hope its far and long. As I finish the email up its 0228 hours in the morning and its raining out, and I still think I may go for a ride when I get off work at 0700. As it stands, I picked the bike up in May and now have 15,000 km for the season, not bad for Alberta considering our weather. I wish you and all your staff success with Motorcycle Mojo.
Keep the shiny side up!
Jeff Hood

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