Say What?
I absolutely LOVE the cartoon you had done for my article. My compliments to the cartoonist. It has made all five of us laugh again!
Joe Benning
Hi Joe,
The cartoon you mentioned (shown above) was done by Julie Draper who resides in Grand Forks, BC. Julie and I have been friends since we were about 14. We have shared many adventures together none of which included bikes—mostly horses, and dogs and electric fences. Julie’s family owned a farm just outside of my hometown of Shakespeare, Ontario. We have kept in touch throughout the years and oddly enough my sister Gayle, married Julie’s brother, Peter.
We sent Julie the article and she produced the drawing as she envisioned it.
Julie’s career has encompassed illustrations for children’s puzzles, books, cookie bags and a variety of other commissioned pieces. Her most recent work is hand-painting drums, which she and her partner Michael create. We are glad the cartoon made you laugh again.
Hi Glenn
On July 1, Stu Seaton and his brother left on a trip north, will you be posting any coverage of this trip? I know both of them and would be interested to know how they are progressing.
Thank you, Chris Mason
Check out and you will see how Stu and John’s trip progressed.
Vladimir update
Hello Gwen and Glenn,
Just wanted to let you know that Vladimir is doing well and currently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
We had a phone call at 4 am Sunday morning from a Canadian fellow who is travelling with his girlfriend to Mongolia. Apparently he looks good but had his topbox stolen recently – not sure what was all in it but it seems he lost some of his money as well.
Sorry, but at that hour of the night/morning we didn’t think to ask and have a photo emailed. Hopefully we will hear from him again.
Cheers, Marlies and Alan
Hi Marlies and Alan,
It is nice to know Vladimir is ok and still motoring. Gwen
I read your magazine cover to cover upon arrival at my door. My sister in Nova Scotia got me the subscription for Christmas, maybe I will see you at the Dutchy festival in August.
Thanks Dave
I know you probably talk to a lot of people—you and I shared a few drinks on Toad’s picnic table a number of years back.
Anyway, I am working in Kandahar, Afghanistan and I was at one of our common meeting places looking for something to read when I found a copy of MMM the May/June 08 issue.
Just passing along a note to say it was great to see something I am proud to say is a little piece of home even though you don’t live in Owen Sound anymore. It was a little something to remind me of friends (cause most of mine read MMM), family and good times. I don’t know exactly how MMM gets here but keep it coming.
Jamie Rudolph
Dear Mojo,
Just finished a copy of your magazine. I had subscribed before to the small one—but do enjoy your new format. Looking forward to some new copies.
I am a 72 year old woman and this is my 50th year of riding and I have recently downsized from a 750 Virago which I rode for 23 years to a 650 Suzuki Boulevard. I found the Virago getting a bit too top heavy for me as I am only 4’10” and weight 112 lbs. It seemed to be growing—not that I might be shrinking.
Anyway, could you come up with some stories of older women riders? I sometimes feel like I’m the only one out there.
I mostly ride and camp solo, and often meet lots of interesting male riders to chat with. I’m sure there must be other women my age still riding. Thanks so much.
Lois Szabo
Hi Lois,
It was great to get your comment and we will certainly do what we can to find some content you refer to.
You sound like a very interesting woman and I assume you have a number of stories that would be great to hear as well as some amazing photos we would love to see if you are willing to share them with us. Let me know.
Sincerely Gwen.
Hi, I was wondering how I would go about getting a hard copy of your recent issue. One of my customers Joe Benning has an article in your magazine.
John Lyon,
Wilkins Harley-Davidson
Hi John,
Since you are in the US, it would be easiest to go to our website to obtain copies —
You mentioned the July/August edition of the magazine was going to press as we left for Alaska. I have been waiting. Well, my copy was in the mailbox when I got home from work today. I was thumbing through it and came across the article on Susan Poon at Heritage Harley in Edmonton. What a pleasant surprise. Let me tell you a bit about Susan.
I was picking up my 2008 Electra Glide Classic at Heritage Harley-Davidson earlier this spring. It was the first Harley I have owned, and a new one to boot, so I was pretty excited. I had the trailer ready to go but needed to figure out how to disable the motion detector on the alarm system in order to load it for transport back to my place.
Things were not going as well as I wanted. The turn-the-chrome-knob-and-then-flick-the-flashers thing was not working out the way it should. And the guy techie teaching the salesman and me the how-to, seemed more interested in showing us how quickly he could get it done than realizing that my 50-something brain did not come with the same e.gene as his brain, and worked at a totally different speed to start with.
After we got the bike into the trailer and ready to go, I went back inside to clear up the rest of the pre-delivery intro’s to the staff. They wanted to make sure I was comfortable with everything. That’s the way they do things at Heritage.
In the middle of the good-bye’s and handshakes over comes this gal named Susan Poon. She hands me her business card with a few lines hand-written on the back and says “This is the way I remember the code for the transport mode on your alarm.” Then she quietly walks me through the process a few times. When she is sure I have it, she tells me to to call if I need any further help and goes back to the shop. No fancy production—just the matter-of-fact instructions that I can understand. I carry her card in my wallet and have used it several times.
Thanks for sharing Susan’s background with us.
Michael Poplett, St. Albert, AB
Outstanding Service
When it comes to service I think you are outstanding! I returned home to find a message from your company letting me know the subscription was returned due to an incorrect address. The message went so far as to ask the current resident that if the person had moved, could they please contact you with the correct address. Wow! I was impressed! I called your office and was greeted by a pleasant guy who sincerely wanted to get the magazine to the correct address.
We received shortly after and a postcard letting us know you wanted to make sure we received the magazine so you were remailing it. Wow again.
Having said all that I am not even the subscription holder and I’ve been impressed by your commitment and service to your customers.
It’s service like this that will sperate you from the competition.
Thank you, Lynda Naugle
Hi Lynda
The gentlemen who deserves the outstanding service award at our magazine is David Bradbury. Although we all try to do our best when it comes to customer service it is certainly nice to know it does not go unnoticed.
Sincerely, Gwen
Hi Glenn,
Just wanted to thank you for your participation, both as a sponsor as well as a participant, on BAD Ride 11. As you witnessed first hand, it was a resounding success in terms of turn out and more importantly in dollars raised for the charity. A lot of the success is due directly to sponsors such as yourself and Gwen. without you, there would be no BAD Ride. Again, thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
Stanley Letofsky
You guys are doing a fantastic job. Your’s has to be the best motorcycle magazine out there.
Your are giving your readers exactly what we want. I subscribe to four motorcycle mags—your’s is the best. I’m always very happy when it arrives.
Don C.
Am I the only person who noticed the glaring misstep in the “Spike Your Bike” contest put on by H-D. They want Canadians to enter their contest. Provincial winners advance to the National championship. Judging by the American tags, the nation they are referring to must be the good old US of A!
Dan Irvine
Dear Glenn and Gwen,
So nice to see you both at the bike show. You have really outdone yourselves. Each issue of your magazine just keeps getting better than the last one.
Your Canadian Custom Showcase is awesome. What more can I say. Please keep up the great work.
Michael Ferguson

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Motorcycle Mojo Magazine is an award winning publication that provides premium content guaranteed to be of interest to every motorcycle enthusiast. Whether you prefer cruisers or adventure-touring, vintage or the latest models; riding round the world or just to work, Motorcycle Mojo covers every aspect of the motorcycle experience. Each issue of Motorcycle Mojo contains tests of new models, feature travel stories, compelling human interest articles, technical exposés, product reviews, as well as unique perspectives by regular columnists on safety or just everyday situations that may be stressful at the time but turn into fabulous campfire stories.
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